Email marketing might seem a little old fashioned, especially in today’s day and age, but with a few tweaks here and there, it can be one of the most effective tools in your digital marketing arsenal. One way to improve your email marketing strategy is to look into behavioural emails, which can be highly effective at helping lead nurturing and generating campaigns.
When you invest in behavioural emails you will need to understand the behaviours and interactions that users take on your website. These emails are highly personalised, which is what today’s audiences expect from brands, and can also help you to drive more conversions. Not sure where to start? In this article, we look at what behavioural emails are and how you can use them.
What Are Behavioural Emails?
Behavioural emails can be thought of as emails that are sent to contacts in your database based on the interactions they have with your company across multiple channels. This can be on your company website, on your social media channels, via an email newsletter, or on a landing page.
These emails help to ensure that every interaction a person has with your brand has an expected and appropriate reaction. It is a more user-focused approach to email marketing in that the actions of site visitors and contacts dictate the emails that they receive. You will not simply be sending out mass emails to different segments, but rather a more targeted email that speaks to their interactions and behaviours.
Some examples of behavioural emails include:
- Registration Emails: If you ask someone to sign up to your website or register for an account, you should create an automated email that is sent to them thanking them for registering and providing them with their next steps as well as important information you might need from them and vice versa.
- Conversion Emails: Conversion emails are usually sent out when consumers take actions such as subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for an event, making a purchase, or opting in for a service. Their function is to notify the consumer about the transaction and confirm all pertinent details.
- Social Or Website Activity: Site or social triggers are usually sent out to people after they have abandoned carts on your e-commerce website, add items to a wishlist, or send in a query to your website. These do not have to be sent for every interaction, as they can become spammy.
These different behavioural emails can be combined to improve your digital marketing strategy and your consumer engagement levels.
How To Use Behavioural Emails
Now that you have a better understanding of what behavioural emails are, you are likely wondering how you can use them in your own digital marketing strategy. It does not have to be a time-consuming process, especially if you use this email automation strategically. Below are some helpful hints.
Track Interactions
One of the most important steps to take for a successful behavioural email strategy is to track the different interactions that consumers have with your brand on different channels. You can use analytical tools for this or ask users to sign up for forms and use this data to track their interactions. Use this information to build a contact database that you can use to track how each individual interacts with your brand.
Determine Important Actions
Behavioural emails are so useful because they are triggered based on a user’s behaviour, rather than being sent out en masse, but it is important to determine and identify the actions that will trigger these emails. A download of content could be seen as an action that triggers an email, confirming the download and offering other content. Abandoned carts or checkouts should also be considered as important actions for triggering emails.
Create Compelling Copy
Once you have performed all analyses and looked at all the important actions you want users to take, you will need to move on to writing the actual copy or wording of the emails. The wording should be as personalised as possible, so be sure to use a code which uses the consumer’s first name in the subject and greeting line. The copy should entice the reader to take further action or to nurture them as a lead.
Final Words
Behavioural emails can be highly useful for any digital marketing strategy. You can implement them by tracking the interactions people take on your website, determining which actions should trigger emails, and writing copy that is compelling and unique. Personalisation is vital to modern marketers, and this type of email marketing is a step in the right direction.
If you would like help in improving your email marketing strategy, speak to NetMechanic today to find out how we can help you.