We have discovered the complete push notification solution for your website.
Once the push notification functionality is setup, any person visiting your website will be able to choose to receive desktop notifications when you publish a new post. The visitor of your website will receive these notifications even if they have already left your website.
These notifications can be delivered at preset intervals. Targeting the notifications for specific users and customising the opt-in process for your visitors. This is the perfect tool to advertise promotions or new services to your existing visitor base.
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• Supports Chrome (Desktop & Android), Safari (Mac OS X), and Firefox (Desktop) on both HTTP and HTTPS sites.
• Automatic Notifications – Send notifications to followers every time you publish a new post, or set up a reminder that gets automatically sent to them if they haven’t visited for a few days.
• Targeting Segments – Send notifications to specific visitors based on language, number of times they’ve visited your blog, or even set up your own user attributes that you can target.
• Opt-In Customization – Choose when and how to ask your visitors to opt-in to browser notifications. Customize the prompt they first see.
• Real Time Analytics – See your notifications being delivered in real time, and watch them as they convert into visitors.
• A/B Testing – Try out different messages to a smaller set of your visitors to figure out which messages are more effective and then send the more effective message to the rest of your visitors!
• Scheduled Notifications – Schedule notifications to be delivered in the future, based on a user’s time zone, or even based on the same time of day they last visited your website.